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Data mining, statistics, & AI

Analytica provides built-in functions for data exploration and analysis, including quick summaries, descriptive statistics, regression, and Monte Carlo simulation. Here are some example applications that include the implementation of classification trees, artificial intelligence, and multilayer machine learning methods.

Does GPT-4 pass the Turing test?

In 1950, Alan Turing proposed “The Imitation Game”, today known as the Turing test, as a hypothetical way of measuring whether a computer can think...


Computer programming in English (Part 2)

In a previous article (part 1), we introduced the new paradigm of computer programming in English and demonstrated one example. In this article, we continue...


Computer programming in English (Part 1)

We explore a new paradigm for programming computers directly in English without any formal coding language at all. We do this by prompting a Large Language...


AI weekly updates with Lonnie Chrisman

Join Lonnie Chrisman every Thursday at 8 a.m. PT to hear his latest updates on what is happening in the artificial intelligence (AI) world.


Crossing frontiers: the dawn of a new era with AI

Celebrate the incredible strides made in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) while also assessing the risks, in the dawn of this new era.


Could humans lose control over advanced artificial intelligence?

A group of researchers on AI is using Analytica influence diagrams to map out arguments and scenarios to explore ...


Pi Day comparison: Monte Carlo vs Latin hypercube vs Sobol sampling

This blog will be visiting the dart-throwing method of estimating π and comparing how fast or slow different sampling techniques converge to the actual value...


Book review: decision making under uncertainty

This just-released Spanish-language textbook from Professor Jorge E Muro Arbulú has now taken its spot as my favorite textbook on …


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Data mining, statistics, & AI clients